Zeitgenössische Kunst

Contemporary art

What is contemporary art? It's difficult to create a definition that fits all, as its one particular characteristic feature is that it is not bound to any particular technique, to any specific materials or to particular concepts. It can't be associated to a specific style of painting nor to a defined artistic expression.

Contemporary art has no limitations on motifs, thematics, nor messages that it wants to express. It can almost be said that contemporary art is characterized by its diversity and its individuality. Every expression form and technique can be used, the artist is free to choose any form of artistic statement. Paintings, sculptures and drawings, but also installations, video art, performances and NFTs are part of contemporary artistic creation, and this list can only be increased as new artistic forms are generated all the time.

Differently from the previous artistic epoques, Contemporary art can´t be defined by specific art movements but comprehends all art that identifies to the present zeitgeist and is crucial for the present time. Takashi Murakami, Ai Weiwei, Yayoi Kusama, Jeff Koons, Damien Hirst, Marina Abramovic, are only some of the most famous representative of Contemporary art and established artists together with more emergent ones are contributing everyday to a variegated and exciting art market.

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